Tessellis provides state of the art preclinical imaging services

Preclinical imaging at 7T

Our 7T Bruker setup allows for preclinical imaging in different modalities in small animals. Imaging can be done in anesthetized, as well as awake conditions, in response to a variety of stimuli and treatments. We are well equipped to deliver compounds during the imaging procedure centrally (directly into the brain) and peripherally (IP, SC or IM infusions).

ML-based data processing and analysis

Our state of the art, cloud-based data processing pipeline allows for easy, hassle-free processing of MR data, from pre-processing to final reports.

Compound library and predictive analytics: mosAIc

…coming soon

IVN: In Vivo Neuropathology

IVN is an imaging protocol using DWI and measures of ADC combined with computational analysis using a 3D MRI rat atlas with 173 brain areas to identify putative sites of neuroinflammation and edema following exposure to neurotoxic agents (such as TMT). This non-invasive imaging protocol allows studies on time-dependent neuropathology allowing researchers to know where and when to look for neurotoxic risk in early drug discovery programs. This readout can be achieved with a minimum of rats adhering to the laws and regulations around the humane care and use of laboratory animals, providing an alternative to the traditional tests for assessing drug neurotoxicity.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and we will contact you about beginning the proposal process.